It’s been a long time since I spent a full day caching and yesterday I had a great day caching with Caraloopy and the twins. We started out by going to Krispy Kream Donuts and got some fresh HOT ones for brunch…yummmmmmmmmmmm……. shhhh don’t tell the DR .. then on to Hanna Park to try and clean out the caches there. We found that almost all of them were hiking caches on some of the nice back woods bike trails and after the first wrong turn or two I didn’t feel so guilty about the donuts the hikes worked off what ever they gave me. It was a great day and we had fun laughing and talking about everything and anything.
While out there ICM came by and gave me two of each of the coins I designed for him.WOW do they look nice after minting even better than I thought they would come out. So that means I now have 6 designs minted..I’ll try to post some pictures or scans below if i can.
We continued to cache and finally quite after

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