A day of driving again.

Ok I have figured out how to post pictures the easy way...( thanks sheena) and the picture above is my track log for todays driving. Its about the only way to beat traffic and get to work on time. I tried to go down Beach Blvd yesterday and it took almost an hour to go from University to Kernan so I changed it and this works out ok.. I'm up at 5am out the door with Mike at 545am take him to Rebekahs and return home to get the rest of the boys. So he's gone and I'm back at home to leave at what was the normal time. then i do it all in reverse at the end of the day. it gets me home between 530 and 6 pm.
So far Mike seems to like the new school. Day two went without a hitch and we shall see how he does. The vans still doing ok, need to figured out what wheels causing the vibration and se if I can get it balanced again. But thats another story for another day. I'm tired and done for now.
Have a good one all.
wow.... i can't imagine driving that much e..v..e..r..y day. nice pic though! yay! :)
Hmmmm... 70 miles in 1 day. That is a GOOD day for me... :) There are 200+ mile days for me at times.
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