Another missed work day

Another great day in my life….NOT …
Woke up and got ready for work then got the kids up When I woke up Matthew he had a rash on his face, neck , right arm, and a few spot on his chest. So I called into work and took him to the DR. She thinks its viral so gave him some meds took a culture of his throat to test for steep /mono. After that we took the van in and had to get two new front tires, the driver’s side was out of alignment again and had worn the tire to the steel belting so I didn’t have a choice. We got something to eat and then went to Wal-Mart across the street to drop off Matthews broken glasses to get replacement lens and to look around. While there I found the newest game out “Quake 4” so I figured id get myself a early Christmas present. . We then went back and they were done so other than the cost it was a relatively painless car repair, also now that the tires are new and balanced the van drives better and does not vibrate at 60+ like it did.
you've been busy busy! carlee has a viral infection too! :( they must be going around... you'll have to tell us how the game is.
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