Life in Stressville
Just a few notes now and then to try to keep everyone up to date, Day to day misadventures and Geocaching exploits.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Monday, January 23, 2006
The Birthday party that didnt happen
Well the twins had there birthday on Friday the 20th. I had to get some Medical tests done so I took the morning off to take care of that. Around 12pm I received a call from Sean telling me he hit his head playing football at school. He didn’t sound good so I went right away to go get him.. When I saw his eyes I knew something was not right and headed off to NAS hospital to make sure he was ok. During the ride there he started to complain that he could not see. Then started the nausea and being sick. When we got to the ER at NAS he was disorientated and his speech was a bit slurred. I had to almost carry him into the hospital and after telling them what happened they took him in right away.. his speech changed to unintelligible and he was fighting the DR’s attempts to get him in the bed and checked out. They and I had to hold him down to get his cloths off and to get an IV into him. He’s one strong little guy, He was lifting the guy up with his legs and the guy was laying across them. They started to sedate him so they could manage to get him into a CT scan and it took 3 doses of one med and two more of another to get him calm enough. After the scan they called Wolfson’s Children’s hospital to arrange transportation so Sean could be treated and checked by pediatric neurologists. When the ambulance arrived Sean was still a bit combative so they had to restrain him to the stretcher for the ride. I was going to follow them to the hospital but they took off with lights and sirens so I let them go ahead and meet them at the ER for Wolfson’s hospital. He was still combative with the staff there and needed to be sedated some more. During the insertion of the new IV to replace the one he pulled out in the ambulance I was holding his right arm from his left side and he saw my arm in front of his face so he proceeded to bite my arm .. I now have a 4 inch black and blue circle on my arm to prove he’s got some strong jaw mussels. They did a second CT scan and he was admitted to the ICU for the night. All tests were good. He spent that night and the next day in ICU and was then admitted to the a private room on the 6th floor for another night and day. We got home Sunday afternoon and he will have to stay home for the week and see a doctor on Friday before he can return to school.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
I'm back

The last few weeks have been a bit rough. So I wasn’t posting. Michael is now home and safe and everything’s back to normal. Or, as normal as things can be in this house. I am now the designer for USAGeocoin and have been doing coin designs during the week. It looks like ill be able to make a few $ doing this and every little bit helps. So far I’ve done 4 this week. I even had to fill out TAX papers so I would say that makes me a employee of some form.