Sunday, November 27, 2005

Caching and stuff

Caraloopy came over yesterday morning around 11ish and we headed out to get the last two caches that she needed to hit 900. the big one was Coon Condo Low rent and it was just as fun as we expected .. maybe even a bit easier than we thought it would be.

After that I went home and did a few things around the house..nothing major.. The van is running much better..I found a vacuum line that was disconnected and after putting it back on the van runs much better. now I just need to get the tires balanced.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

It’s been a long time since I spent a full day caching and yesterday I had a great day caching with Caraloopy and the twins. We started out by going to Krispy Kream Donuts and got some fresh HOT ones for brunch…yummmmmmmmmmmm……. shhhh don’t tell the DR .. then on to Hanna Park to try and clean out the caches there. We found that almost all of them were hiking caches on some of the nice back woods bike trails and after the first wrong turn or two I didn’t feel so guilty about the donuts the hikes worked off what ever they gave me. It was a great day and we had fun laughing and talking about everything and anything.

While out there ICM came by and gave me two of each of the coins I designed for him.WOW do they look nice after minting even better than I thought they would come out. So that means I now have 6 designs minted..I’ll try to post some pictures or scans below if i can.

We continued to cache and finally quite after 9 pm and that was more due to the twins needing a break than us wanting to stop. When we got home Loopy only needs 2 more caches to hit 900 so we are going to go out today and try to get two more and make her 900th cache Coon Condo Low rent, A very challenging cache that can only be gotten to at low tide. At least we hope we can get to it. you might be able to see some pictures of a failed attempt at this cache HERE about the third one down " LazyCachers"

Thursday, November 24, 2005

We had fried turkey...
wow was it good..
I dont think I will ever cook another one in the oven..
A 10 lb bird only took 35 min to cook and it was very moist and not dry at all.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

Sunday, November 20, 2005

This weeks news and stuff in general

Another week has gone by and we are getting closer to the holidays. This week, Chris, Sean and Matthew are off of school for the entire week Michael is off starting at noon on Wednesday and ill be off Thursday and Friday. I got a small turkey from work for the holidays its about 10lbs so should be enough for the 5 of us. I think its great that they are giving out the turkeys as a small thanks you to the employees and I there are many places that don’t do anything so ill just say Thanks and let it go at that.

Next weekend it will be time to start putting up the Christmas decorations and tree so we will be busy Saturday I have to work Sunday so will have to get it done early.  

Tomorrow is Mom and Dads anniversary,  51 years. That’s a long time but I’m sure they will say the time just flew by. Right after the kids moved out that is. HaHa

Congratulations.    I hope you have a nice day.

Still working on coin designs one of these day ill post all the ones that I have designed and were minted..

Other than that everything’s just about normal..

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Changes at work and other rambleings.

On friday we had a meeting and were told that stating moday everyone willbe on a new time schedual 8am - 430pm.. and that sucks... I have to pick the kids up at 4 . to make a long story short i talked to the director and he will let me leave early If i work Sundays to makeupthe 5 hours each week... OH JOY i now get to work 6 day weeks... One day I hope these kids will appreciate what im doing for them. At the moment i dont think they care about anything, everything for them is a game, Money grows on trees, the house will clean itself and they can do anything they want until they get caught. Moneys been very tight but we are making it, not sure how but we are. The vans still not acting right just hope it lasts until i can get it into the shop. Mike and I both need to get some dental work done but thats going to have to wait also. One day a time.......... how does it go.
God grant me the serenity
to except the things I can not change
the currage to change the things I can
and the wisdom to know the difference.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Remember all that serve

Work sucks.

Well we were all told today that our hours are now changed. We will ALL work 8 to 430... and that sucks becaues i cant work till 4 with the kids in privet schools...I talked to the boss and he said I had to work Sundays to make up the hours.. As of this week I get to start working 6 day weeks ... oh what joy... at least ill be getting full pay checks fora change. Other thant that not much news.. the boy us are doing good at school...

Monday, November 07, 2005

its monday

Well the boys survived the weekend. I even gave in a bit whent he house was clean and let them go fishing for tw hours Sat night. i thinkit was more for me then them but we all needed it..Sunday I started back up and had them finish the yard work. Things are better and quite a bit cleaner. The TV is still out so they are still cleaning but its not as bad as it was.

I'm starting to get feedback on my new cache Evil to Extremes #200 Its going to be interesting to see how this goes.the first team tolook spent 2.5 hours and didnt find it...LOL ...

its monday

Well the boys survived the weekend. I even gave in a bit whent he house was clean and let them go fishing for tw hours Sat night. i thinkit was more for me then them but we all needed it..Sunday I started back up and had them finish the yard work. Things are better and quite a bit cleaner. The TV is still out so they are still cleaning but its not as bad as it was.

I'm starting to get feedback on my new cache Evil to Extremes #200 Its going to be interesting to see how this goes.the first team tolook spent 2.5 hours and didnt find it...LOL ...

Saturday, November 05, 2005

The boys pushed there luck

Well the boys did it.. I'm sick and tired of the house being a mess. S0 when I got home last night I let them have it with both barrels. I took the cable off the TV. I took the phones off the outlets. I took all there radios. I took the game boys and other electric games. I even told them nothing from me till this house is clean, That includes hot water. We will have to see what that does. I've spent today walking aound the house telling them whats not clean. They are getting sic of hearing me bitch, but thats just to dam bad..
This morning I had to drive to HopeHaven to pick up the kids Prescriptions, Chris was out. On the way I was thinking about my geocaches and decided that I would Try t hide 4 more today and then post my new supper evil, everyone will hate me cache, for my 200th cache. I have been working out the details for over a week and it should be good. I figure It will rivel one called "Shelter II" I'll let you know how it goes. I dont want to give to much away. There are spys the read here..LOL
Great I tryed to post this and the site is down for maintenance till 2 PST oh well I'll save and post it later.