Monday, October 31, 2005


Happy Halloween
Well Sheena had her 21st Birthday today so I tool her that I'd watch Carlee so they could go out . you know dinner and first LEGAL drink. Well They all arrived somewhere around 6 dropped off carlee and headed out. Carlee decided to make up for the last visit where she was an angle and she pulled out all the stops and let me know who was going to be the boss tonight. She took a short nap and then sat at my computer keyboard for a few min. I even got out my old one so she could have fun beating on it. That's when she started to fuss a bit. But nothing I cant handle..
I'm just glad Sheena and Tony had a good evening out.

I let the boys go Trick or treating on there own this year.. for the first time ever... They did good and came home with a ton of candy..I didnt get any pictures this time...but they didnt want to dress up to much anyway...

Sunday, October 30, 2005

NEFGA Halloween event

We had a blast at the event last night, we started with putting on Halloween costumes and heading out to do a bit of pre-event caching to clean up a few that we needed to fined in the area of the event. We meet up with Caraloopy and Somedude and then The suzyQ's went and did a few caches and meet up with The brown family and at the last cache we saw The PetsAllOver family. So we headed to the event with a caravan of cachers. The weather was a bit cool but not cold so everyone had a good time doing the night caches as a large group. Then we all went to dinner at "The Loop". Over all it was a fun event. and a good night of caching.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Another day ..

I got an Email from USA Geocoins and they want to use my design work for there 2006 and future coins. They are even offering $ MONEY $ for my work... It will be interesting to see how that goes, I did a few more designs for them and sent then tonight so will be interesting to see what they think.

The kids are all good.

Sean hurt his ankle i think its a sprain willsee how it is in the am.

The vans still doing good. Milage looks to be staying about the same will know for sure when i fill up this weekend.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Baby sitting for a friend. and life goes on.

This is Carlee, I watched her for the second time tonight and she was very good for me. The first time i watched her she cried for almost 2 hours this time she talked, played and seems happy. She must be getting used to me.

Matthew is doing good the hit in the head didnt last long and the next day he was out running and playing then today he woke up with another headach. He still went to school even though i gave him the choice to stay home. At 1145 am I got a call to come pick up Chris Sean and Matthew, they had a fire at the school and had to send all the kids home so i got to leave work and bring them home and then drive back to work. at least I only lost about 30 min.

Other than that everythign else is going ok..

Sunday, October 23, 2005

vet sp right

vet coin

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Gas Mileage improvment.

After much reading and looking at all sides of the story and more reading i decided to test a new gas mileage improving method.. Rolling Eyes

Yes I know what your thinking... But its true..

I went from 13-15 MPG to a whopping 19.81 MPG
in one week. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

The magic formula is Acetone 100% pure

I add 2 oz of pure Acetone to each 11 gal of gas.. or 4 oz per tank.

You can read and research this online.. there are many sides to it..

I decided if its good enough to soak your fingers in it and its sold in a plastic bottle I'd give it a try. I saw an almost immediate improvement in the engine idle smothing out and a noticable power increase.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Rough night and Stupid school.

Got a call from Matthew at school today at about 1:45pm , telling me he had a bad headach. I talked to Ms Pearl ( the office lady) and asked if he had been given the medicine/asprin that i had given school for his migrains. I was told yes and I told them to give him another. When I arrived at the school I went in to get Mat and heard Mrs Walker say to Mrs Ojo to tell me about the incident . I was then informed that he was hurt while running at full speed into another student running at him.. they collided quite hard, during a relay game.
  • Why was I not informed by the school?

  • Why did Mat call but not the school?

  • Why was I informed as an after thought?

This is total Bull shit.. and I'm pissed..

Its now almost 9pm Mat still has a bad headach and has been vomiting most of the evening. I'm watching him and checkng for any other symptoms so far he's doing ok..but im worried.
Guess ill be up most of the night

I also fell and hurt my right shoulder and wrist but thats nothing at the moment, Mat needs a place to put his head and if he knew it hurt me he woudl not do it.

will see what tomm and tonight brings.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Report cards

The boys are doing much better this year in the new Privet school they are attending due to the McKay scholarships...
Sean made A -B
Matthew was much better than last year only one low grade in Math
Chris would have made all A-B's but had a C in Pre Algebra and English.

Michael even had a much improved report card even with the problems with the director. his report card was all passing with only 1 D in Math.

So it looks like the McKay Scholarship had done what it said it would moving my kids from a failing public school system and placing them in a environment that they can learn in..

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Tired ......just got in and its been a long day...... Dr was not to happy with my Cholesterol numbers so guess ill have to do somthing about it... Its that of die, the way i feel at this moment i think ill pick die till i get enough rest. LOL

The highlight to my day today was sitting and talking with my friend for a bit when I picked up Michael..

I have such a fun life...guess ill not say to much.
I was once told if you can't say anything good you should just keep your mouth shut..

so with that thought in mind..

fmmmuh hmunnh hmmms ssuusns sm mmms

good night.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

A day of driving again.

Ok I have figured out how to post pictures the easy way...( thanks sheena) and the picture above is my track log for todays driving. Its about the only way to beat traffic and get to work on time. I tried to go down Beach Blvd yesterday and it took almost an hour to go from University to Kernan so I changed it and this works out ok.. I'm up at 5am out the door with Mike at 545am take him to Rebekahs and return home to get the rest of the boys. So he's gone and I'm back at home to leave at what was the normal time. then i do it all in reverse at the end of the day. it gets me home between 530 and 6 pm.

So far Mike seems to like the new school. Day two went without a hitch and we shall see how he does. The vans still doing ok, need to figured out what wheels causing the vibration and se if I can get it balanced again. But thats another story for another day. I'm tired and done for now.

Have a good one all.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Michael's Day

Today michael started school at "The broach school".. a private school down by univercity blvd and beach blvd.. what a way to start the day.. got up at 5:30am and left the house at 6:40am and drove Chris, Sean, and Matt to there school, then drove mike to his and then on to work I was able to punch in at 840. thats a lot of driving for one morning and then at 3:30pm I had to drive the same route again... They ( the school) told me they are trying to get approval to run a shuttle van to this area but no word yet on when it will start if ever. My friend Rebekah is letting Mike go to her house after school and starting tomm. I'm going to try to drive him to her house early around 6:15-6:30am then come back to the house and get the others.. I hope that early enough if not ill adjust the time till we get it right...Gas is going to kill me...other than that everything else was about the same.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

side one of my geocoin Posted by Picasa

side two of my coin.  Posted by Picasa

avatar Posted by Picasa

Starting a new project is fun...Not

Well this has been a humbling experience this has taken me twice as long to setup and get started than I thought it would, Guess I'll have to get a pro to give me a few pointers ( Sheena ) hint hint...

Today had been a work day started out with knowing that I had to replace the breaks on the van so after getting the parts I needed Sean said he would help.. ok all we need are a few tools..This is when I got to start all my tools were a mess.. and many of them missing.. the boys have been working on there bikes and things and my tools are missing.. so after 20 min of trying to find the right tools (wrench or socket ) i went tot eh neighbors and borrowed his..after that was only 30 min of work..
After the van was done Sean wanted me to fix his bike.. installed new back tube, repaired broken shifter, adjusted rear derailer and off he went.. .

StressMaster Posted by Picasa

First entry..

This is a first for me.. so we will see how this goes.. lets just call this the test post.