Thursday, December 29, 2005

New offers coming in.

Well this weeks been fun..
First was Christmas with just the boys and myself..nice day didn't do much.
Then I got word that USA Geocoins posted the 2006 geocoin with my design . Many positive comments in the forums and else ware.
Then I get a email from the guy at USA Geocoins wanting to know if I would be interested in being his designer if he opens the business to making personnel coins....I said yes....$$$$$....
And today I got an offer from "The Caching place" to do design work for them as they are swamped and need help with there overflow. So im waiting for them to replay to my email about $$$ and a few questions.
I will let you all know what happens.
Instant fame, love it.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas

The boys and I wish everyone a
Merry Christmas.
We hope you all have a great day.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Today's misfortune

Today was not to bad as far as the day goes. I worked and then went home..looks at what the boys did as far as cleaning goes and then went to check computer stuff. Chris came in hopping and bleeding on his foot. I guess when Sean cleaned the bathroom he broke some glass and Chris found it with the bottom of his foot. Was borderline as far as needing a stitch so closed it myself and will check again later. So far he's doing ok. And for your sake no photo this time :-)

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Another day ..another problem..

Well yesterday I woke up with a rash on the back of my neck. I thought it was like Matthews but after looking at it I could tell it was different. I called the Dr and got a appointment and she said it was one of three things so I'm taking medicine for all three. Just what I need more pills to take.. Fell like a drug store as it is. today I took more meds and its getting a bit better. tomorrow is Friday and ill be glad when the weeks over. This working on Sundays starting to get old fast.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


wohoo.. I got a nice surprise today I received a check in the mail for one of the coin designs that I made..
I can not say who or what company but it will only be a month or so until I'm able to say and show everyone the coin.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Another missed work day

Another great day in my life….NOT …

Woke up and got ready for work then got the kids up When I woke up Matthew he had a rash on his face, neck , right arm, and a few spot on his chest. So I called into work and took him to the DR. She thinks its viral so gave him some meds took a culture of his throat to test for steep /mono. After that we took the van in and had to get two new front tires, the driver’s side was out of alignment again and had worn the tire to the steel belting so I didn’t have a choice. We got something to eat and then went to Wal-Mart across the street to drop off Matthews broken glasses to get replacement lens and to look around. While there I found the newest game out “Quake 4” so I figured id get myself a early Christmas present. . We then went back and they were done so other than the cost it was a relatively painless car repair, also now that the tires are new and balanced the van drives better and does not vibrate at 60+ like it did.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Christmas Tree

Here are a few shots of the tree going up this last weekend. Chris helped me put it up he did almost all of it.. I set upt he base and pole he did all the branches then i did the lights and he decorated it...He did a good job, even if his feet were dirty ( First picture) LOL

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Another slow week

Not much news this week. The vans still running good and we have gone back to using the Acetone. Will watch the mileage and see how much difference it makes this time.  The boys are doing good nothing major there. We got there progress reports and they are all doing well in school. The report cards should be coming out in a week or two.  
Looking forward to going to a caching event this weekend it’s the annual toys for tot’s event all afternoon then dinner.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Another busy DAY

Looking like a busy day.
Matthews got a follow up appointment at Nemours children’s hospital for his migraine. Then I have to go to Michael’s school for a meeting. There was an incident at the school and Michael was present one of the students had a knife, I still don’t have the full story so will find out more later. Then mike has a 5 pm appointment with the counselor and after that I’m supposed to go caching with Steve and the kids while the caching women folk have some kind of sale party, not sure about the caching but will see.  

Oh and I’m supposed to fit in some workday in the middle of all this.